You are the woman that your community needs.

You are a #HolyHotHead because you were built to


Using RECOVERY & MENTAL HEALTH principles, we create safe spaces for Women to do Spirit-Led Deconstruction using ALL MADE WELL’s Me MADE WELL Framework, so your calling can come to life.

#ImpactAndDisrupt #HealingIsMyClapBACK #DisruptorsLikeJesus

Meet Our Founder

The #HolyHotHead

It begins with YOU.

CHANGE happens Top down.

A child’s whole world is changed when the PARENT heals.

The church changes when the LEADERS heal.

An organization changes when FOUNDERS and CEOs heal first.

For much too long, LEADERSHIP has been defined by power, wealth, and control.

But Jesus led WELL because He was whole and sober-minded.

leading like Jesus DISRUPTS the system

but it starts with HEALING.

Looking for support?

Join a #VOICEit Group

ALL MADE WELL Coaching & Consulting

  • For Women

    60 Days of Journal Coaching with Coach Uwem, the #HolyHotHead, to realize your value and practice fiery self-love.

    EXCLUSIVE CONTENT within the SKOOL Community! Click HERE to join!

  • 1:1 or Group Coaching

    Our Signature program designed to support your spiritual x emotional development while using your story to impact those God is calling you to. #DISRUPTlikeJesus

  • For Church Leaders

    CHURCH MADE WELL is a collection of programs available to support you in your journey to #HEALbyExample.

  • Sermon Prep Support

    “Speaking With Intention” is our monthly membership for pastors and church leaders committed to confronting church hurt, racial trauma, and gender bias within the church with compassion.

  • New & Expecting Moms

    Resisting hierarchy is an everyday experience. Coach Uwem is a trained community doula who coaches BBIPOC mothers to boldly advocate for themselves and their babies. Because our lives are worthy the fight.

    Resisting the Maternal Health Care Disparity!

I'm sober. i don't drink!

I'm sober. i don't drink! •

Huh?! What does RECOVERY have to do with this?

Everything. Your life…all the hurts, joys, and experiences that led you to this moment…drives your beliefs, actions, and interactions everyday. Sobriety is when you are able to see yourself, your experiences, those around you, AND GOD with clarity…not clouded by hurt and trauma. Our mission at AMW is to spread HEALING and the inevitable SOBRIETY, which makes space for enormous impact in the communities where you have been called. (That’s the whole point of the GOSPEL!)

We make spaces for healing,

And when you are ready WE DISRUPT

Brand Strategy & Business Support

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